Our Design Process

Our program is quick and easy!

Step 1: Gather Information

We’ll work with you to find out how to promote your business, from the details of what you do, the services you provide, as well as what makes you better, or unique.

We understand that you’re busy, so we can normally gather most of the needed information with a brief telephone conversation.

Step 2: A Mock-Up Is Created

The usual web design process involves creating several website concepts and sending countless revisions back and forth to the customer. This process takes months, is very expensive, and doesn’t guarantee an end result that is actually effective.

Instead, our approach is to create an professional looking layout in-house, using proven design and layout methods, submit it for your approval, and get your site online right away. Since our websites are offered as a service, the design can be tweaked over time as needed.

We don’t use templates. All of our website themes are customized for your needs. We’ll customize the colors, photos, layout and teasers to match your business and target audience.

Step 3: Code and Launch

Once you approve the mock-up we can have your site up and running within 24 to 48 hours. We’ll configure and test your e-mail service and any contact forms. You can have a fully working website in less than a week.

Step 4: Maintain & Promote

Finally, on an ongoing basis we’ll work to make your shiny new website work for you.

We’ll make sure you receive and have access to monthly traffic reports. You’ll have access to edit pages and add news/articles through the WordPress interface if you’d like.

Then on a monthly basis we’ll maintain your site, perform security updates and work with you to promote your website with new content, social media, newsletters, ads and more.

Contact Us Today to Get Started!

OUR HOURS: Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

(210) 745-2711

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