Understanding Business Copyright and Trademarks

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Understanding Business Copyright and Trademarks

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Imagine pouring your heart into crafting the perfect logo, writing captivating website copy, or creating a unique product design. Now, picture someone scooping it all up and using it as their own. Ouch! That’s where intellectual property (IP) protection comes in, specifically copyright and trademark, the two musketeers guarding your small business brand.

Don’t let the fancy terms intimidate you. Understanding the basics of copyright and trademark can be a game-changer. Let’s break it down:

Copyright: Think of it as an invisible force field surrounding your original creations. It protects things like:

  • Written content: Blog posts, website copy, marketing materials, even your catchy tagline.
  • Artistic works: Logos, illustrations, photos, product designs.
  • Musical compositions: The catchy jingle you wrote for your bakery, or the original music on your website.

Key points:

  • You automatically have copyright the moment you create something original.
  • Registering your copyright strengthens your protection and makes it easier to fight infringement.
  • Copyright lasts for the author’s life + 70 years, giving your work lasting value.

Trademark: Now, picture a distinctive flag waving high above your brand. That’s trademark, protecting:

  • Business names: The name that sets you apart, like “Cozy Cat Café.”
  • Logos: Your unique visual symbol, instantly recognizable to your customers.
  • Slogans: Your catchy phrase that sticks in minds, like “Where coffee purrs with delight.”

Key points:

  • Trademark protection requires registration for full power.
  • You can trademark words, symbols, or designs that distinguish your brand.
  • Trademarks can last forever as long as you keep using them and renew registrations.

So, which do you need?

The best approach often involves both. Start by identifying your valuable assets. Is it the blog post you meticulously researched, or the logo you spent hours perfecting? Then, assess if it falls under copyright protection (original creation) or trademark protection (identifies your brand). For some elements, like a logo featuring your business name, both might apply!

Protect your brand with these power moves:

  • Register your copyrights and trademarks: It’s a worthwhile investment in your brand’s future.
  • Use copyright and trademark symbols: © for registered copyrights and ™ or ® for trademarks.
  • Be proactive: Monitor for potential infringements and take action if needed.
  • Seek professional help: Consider consulting an IP lawyer for complex situations.

Remember, your brand is your unique fingerprint in the marketplace. Copyright and trademark are your tools to ensure it shines bright and stands out from the crowd. With the right knowledge and action, you can build a fortress of protection and empower your small business to thrive!

Uploading Video to YouTube & Posting

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

First step is to go to the YouTube website and switch to the website channel.

Now that we’re in the right YouTube account, we’re ready to add video.

Next, click the upload button at the top of the page:

Now click the large button to browse for the video file on the computer:

Now the video will begin uploading and the next screen will appear:

While the video is uploading and processing, you should add a title and description. Click publish when done, and you’ll see the following: 

Click the video link to watch it on the main YouTube site, and verify that it looks good. Now you can get the code to embed the video on your website:

To get the code, first click the SHARE button, then click EMBED in the window that appears.

On the Embed Video screen, unclick ‘Show suggested videos…’ and then click the COPY button.

Now on your website, open a new post, and in TEXT mode paste the code where you want the video to appear.

Finally, in most cases you will want to set the width to “100%” and the height to “540”. Now your video should appear on the page!


Frequently Asked Questions

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Q. What do you need to get started?
A. We know that you are busy with your business, so we try not to be too demanding. To begin a new site, simply supply us with any brochures, photos and any other marketing info that you already have. We’ll help you to come up with anything that’s missing.

Q: Where are your clients located? Do you have references I can talk to?
A: Our clientele is spread across the US. Feel free to ask for contact details of our references.

Q: How do you communicate with your clients?
A: We can talk on the phone, chat on an instant messenger, through e-mail, or in person if you live in the San Antonio and Austin, Texas area

Q. Do you offer business credit terms?
A. Yes. You can build your website and your business credit at the same time. Our website services cater to small and new businesses. We offer business credit terms to sole proprietors, new corporations, and LLCs. We Net 30 accounts without a personal guarantee from the corporate officers.

If you are attempting to get business credit established for your company, we can help you to establish a payment history.

To open up your account only takes about 10 minutes over the phone.  (210) 745-2711

Contact Us Today to Get Started!

OUR HOURS: Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

(210) 745-2711

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